

Streamline the volunteers’ workflow by 30x by matching patients in medicine-deprived areas with donors across China during pandemic.

Streamline the volunteers’ workflow by 30x by matching patients in medicine-deprived areas with donors across China during pandemic.

Streamline the volunteers’ workflow by 30x by matching patients in medicine-deprived areas with donors across China during pandemic.

UX Design Awards

UX Design Awards

2024 Award Nominated

2024 Award Nominated

NY Product Design Awards

NY Product Design Awards

2024 Silver Winner

2024 Silver Winner

London Design Awards

London Design Awards

2024 Silver Winner

2024 Silver Winner



Dec 2022 - Mar 2023

Dec 2022 - Mar 2023

Volunteer project for China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)

Volunteer project for China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)



Ivory Yicheng Zhao (Me)
Xiaoheng Li, Product Designer
Yuxiang Qi, Product Designer

Ivory Yicheng Zhao (Me)
Xiaoheng Li, Product Designer
Yuxiang Qi, Product Designer



User Research
UX Design
Visual Design
Usability Testing

User Research
UX Design
Visual Design
Usability Testing






"Please help! My grandma is out of medicine. She lives alone in a tiny village!"

"Please help! My grandma is out of medicine. She lives alone in a tiny village!"

In December 2022, China’s end of zero-Covid led to a sudden rise in Covid cases and medicine shortages, especially in rural areas. Patients began posting medicine requests, while people with extra medicine donated on various social media platforms.

In December 2022, China’s end of zero-Covid led to a sudden rise in Covid cases and medicine shortages, especially in rural areas. Patients began posting medicine requests, while people with extra medicine donated on various social media platforms.

In response, the "Rural Fever-Relief Initiative" under CBCGDF was launched to help deliver medicine from donors to patients. Within 1 week, it received over 100 aid requests across the country. Thousands of passionate volunteers, mostly without prior experience, joined the campaign.

In response, the "Rural Fever-Relief Initiative" under CBCGDF was launched to help deliver medicine from donors to patients. Within 1 week, it received over 100 aid requests across the country. Thousands of passionate volunteers, mostly without prior experience, joined the campaign.


The new volunteer group found it difficult to keep up with the rapidly growing medicine requests from the rural patients.

The new volunteer group found it difficult to keep up with the rapidly growing medicine requests from the rural patients.

In late December, two other designers and I noticed the numerous requests on social media. We reached out to the volunteer group to identify and solve internal and external problems in the medicine distribution process.

In late December, two other designers and I noticed the numerous requests on social media. We reached out to the volunteer group to identify and solve internal and external problems in the medicine distribution process.

To be specific, poorly structured workflow hinders the motivation of junior volunteers and decreases their task completion rates.

To be specific, poorly structured workflow hinders the motivation of junior volunteers and decreases their task completion rates.

After research, we decided to narrow down the problem space to a more specific user group - junior volunteers.

After research, we decided to narrow down the problem space to a more specific user group - junior volunteers.


Short-term: Volunteer onboarding manual

Short-term: Volunteer onboarding manual

The goal of this phase is to help new volunteers get on track within a short time frame by providing a standardized workflow checklist during their onboarding process.

The goal of this phase is to help new volunteers get on track within a short time frame by providing a standardized workflow checklist during their onboarding process.

Long-term: Empower volunteers with efficient and easy donor-patient matching

Long-term: Empower volunteers with efficient and easy donor-patient matching

This solution provides a digital framework to help the volunteer organization manage donor-patient cases during the pandemic and future match-making scenarios. It includes an onboarding tutorial for volunteers, streamlines the donor-patient matching process, and offers an easy call-for-help system.

This solution provides a digital framework to help the volunteer organization manage donor-patient cases during the pandemic and future match-making scenarios. It includes an onboarding tutorial for volunteers, streamlines the donor-patient matching process, and offers an easy call-for-help system.


Worked closely with the volunteer group to race against time and the pandemic.

Worked closely with the volunteer group to race against time and the pandemic.


We didn’t know at first, so we began to learn who were involved in medicine request - donation, and how did they interact with each other.

We didn’t know at first, so we began to learn who were involved in medicine request - donation, and how did they interact with each other.

We contacted with the group to understand their daily work. After this, we have identified 5 types of participants engaged in the process, with volunteers playing a key role in distributing medicine from donors to rural patients. Therefore, we narrow down the scope of the problem and decided to focus on challenges faced by volunteers.

We contacted with the group to understand their daily work. After this, we have identified 5 types of participants engaged in the process, with volunteers playing a key role in distributing medicine from donors to rural patients. Therefore, we narrow down the scope of the problem and decided to focus on challenges faced by volunteers.

Volunteers are key to the medicine distribution process, determining the group's performance in collecting from donors and delivering to patients.

Volunteers are key to the medicine distribution process, determining the group's performance in collecting from donors and delivering to patients.

Volunteers are key to the medicine distribution process, determining the group's performance in collecting from donors and delivering to patients.


Explore the needs and challenges of volunteers as they collaborate internally and externally

Explore the needs and challenges of volunteers as they collaborate internally and externally

To further understand the procedures that volunteers need to perform a task, their behavior patterns and pain points, we conducted 11 interviews with volunteers, senior volunteers, donors and patients.

To further understand the procedures that volunteers need to perform a task, their behavior patterns and pain points, we conducted 11 interviews with volunteers, senior volunteers, donors and patients.


Volunteers are facing with complex tasks that need repetitive work and extensive fact-checking

Volunteers are facing with complex tasks that need repetitive work and extensive fact-checking

After gathering data from interviews, we developed a user journey map to visualize the typical process that volunteers go through from start to finish, including the related collaborators along the way.

After gathering data from interviews, we developed a user journey map to visualize the typical process that volunteers go through from start to finish, including the related collaborators along the way.


Volunteers don’t understand what they need to do

Volunteers don’t understand what they need to do

Over 85% of volunteers have joined only within a week. Only senior volunteers have experience assisting with the task from beginning to end. The majority of volunteers lack the necessary knowledge of the workflow to proceed, greatly hindering their task completion rate.

Over 85% of volunteers have joined only within a week. Only senior volunteers have experience assisting with the task from beginning to end. The majority of volunteers lack the necessary knowledge of the workflow to proceed, greatly hindering their task completion rate.


“Time was so limited that I didn't have a chance to understand the workflow before I started the task. And I don’t know who I can ask for help.”

“Time was so limited that I didn't have a chance to understand the workflow before I started the task. And I don’t know who I can ask for help.”


Complex task and a lack of a standardized workflow lead to confusion

As the number of rural patients grew, individual requests turned into a collective appeal. Volunteers are facing challenge in matching donors and patients based on the nearest location and the type of medicine they provide or need.


“I need to call donors and patients back and forth to verify their latest information.”


Complex task and a lack of a standardized workflow lead to confusion

As the number of rural patients grew, individual requests turned into a collective appeal. Volunteers are facing challenge in matching donors and patients based on the nearest location and the type of medicine they provide or need.


“I need to call donors and patients back and forth to verify their latest information.”


Complex task and a lack of a standardized workflow lead to confusion

As the number of rural patients grew, individual requests turned into a collective appeal. Volunteers are facing challenge in matching donors and patients based on the nearest location and the type of medicine they provide or need.


“I need to call donors and patients back and forth to verify their latest information.”


Manual input and case repetition leads to low efficiency

Volunteers gather donations and request information from various online platforms, and manually input data to spreadsheets. This decreases their work efficiency and accuracy. Moreover, one case may be repeatedly processed by several volunteers, resulting in a waste of time.


"The spreadsheets we're working on are disorganized. Sometimes, my colleagues and I end up doing repetitive work without even realizing it.”


Manual input and case repetition leads to low efficiency

Volunteers gather donations and request information from various online platforms, and manually input data to spreadsheets. This decreases their work efficiency and accuracy. Moreover, one case may be repeatedly processed by several volunteers, resulting in a waste of time.


"The spreadsheets we're working on are disorganized. Sometimes, my colleagues and I end up doing repetitive work without even realizing it.”


Manual input and case repetition leads to low efficiency

Volunteers gather donations and request information from various online platforms, and manually input data to spreadsheets. This decreases their work efficiency and accuracy. Moreover, one case may be repeatedly processed by several volunteers, resulting in a waste of time.


"The spreadsheets we're working on are disorganized. Sometimes, my colleagues and I end up doing repetitive work without even realizing it.”


Within a tight timeline, how might we help volunteers to optimize the workflow of distributing medicine from donors to rural patients?

Within a tight timeline, how might we help volunteers to optimize the workflow of distributing medicine from donors to rural patients?

Within a tight timeline, how might we help volunteers to optimize the workflow of distributing medicine from donors to rural patients?


We identified 3 North Stars for our design solutions, along with success metrics that can be measured in user testing.

We identified 3 North Stars for our design solutions, along with success metrics that can be measured in user testing.


Quick solutions first, digital ideas next.

Quick solutions first, digital ideas next.

At first, the design team came up with product idea as a mobile app that aligned with our 3 goals. We visioned a digital mobile platform that contains 4 main features:

At first, the design team came up with product idea as a mobile app that aligned with our 3 goals. We visioned a digital mobile platform that contains 4 main features:


Volunteer onboarding tutorial

Sort cases by different categories


Match donors with patients automatically


Centralized platform with request/donation gathering portal and volunteer management portal


Volunteer onboarding tutorial

Sort cases by different categories


Match donors with patients automatically


Centralized platform with request/donation gathering portal and volunteer management portal

After proposing our idea to the volunteer group, we realized their primary goal was to boost task completion and efficiency ASAP. They were also open to a long-term digital solution for similar match-making cases.

After proposing our idea to the volunteer group, we realized their primary goal was to boost task completion and efficiency ASAP. They were also open to a long-term digital solution for similar match-making cases.

Therefore, we prioritized ideas based on technical feasibility and user need. We decided to implement an onboarding tutorial manual in the first phase for quick problem-solving, followed by developing digital solutions in phases 2 and 3.

Therefore, we prioritized ideas based on technical feasibility and user need. We decided to implement an onboarding tutorial manual in the first phase for quick problem-solving, followed by developing digital solutions in phases 2 and 3.

Phase 1 Solution

Phase 1 Solution

Volunteer onboarding manual

Volunteer onboarding manual

The goal of this phase is to help new volunteers get on track within a short time frame by providing a standardized workflow checklist during their onboarding process. We decided to cover following content to make sure the steps are easy to understand and perform.

The goal of this phase is to help new volunteers get on track within a short time frame by providing a standardized workflow checklist during their onboarding process. We decided to cover following content to make sure the steps are easy to understand and perform.

Phase 2: Time to go digital

Phase 2: Time to go digital


Make it simple and clear for higher performance

Make it simple and clear for higher performance

Based on user research, volunteers struggle most with complex tasks requiring calculations, double-checking, and manual operations. To address this, we simplified workflows and provided guidance through automated matching recommendations and shipment tracking, making tasks more manageable.

Based on user research, volunteers struggle most with complex tasks requiring calculations, double-checking, and manual operations. To address this, we simplified workflows and provided guidance through automated matching recommendations and shipment tracking, making tasks more manageable.




Match donors with patients automatically by location & demands

Match donors with patients automatically by location & demands



Multiple package statuses at a glance

Multiple package statuses at a glance


Start onboarding following beginner-friendly tutorial

Start onboarding following beginner-friendly tutorial

Easily understand overall workflow, and follow hands-on instruction to complete an example volunteer task.

Easily understand overall workflow, and follow hands-on instruction to complete an example volunteer task.


Complete end-to-end matching task with clear workflow

Complete end-to-end matching task with clear workflow

Efficiently filter and undertake tasks, communicate with donors and patients, and match them in a streamlined process.

Efficiently filter and undertake tasks, communicate with donors and patients, and match them in a streamlined process.


Track real-time shipment to make sure patients get what they need

Track real-time shipment to make sure patients get what they need

Receive updates and proof of delivery instead of having excessive double-check with donors and patients.

Receive updates and proof of delivery instead of having excessive double-check with donors and patients.


Need help? Ask seniors and medical experts immediately

Need help? Ask seniors and medical experts immediately

Volunteers can ask medical consultants and other colleagues for help, or go over the tutorial at any steps in the process.

Volunteers can ask medical consultants and other colleagues for help, or go over the tutorial at any steps in the process.


Our design allows volunteers to easily understand their tasks and perform with more confidence and efficiency (based on 2 rounds of user testing).

Our design allows volunteers to easily understand their tasks and perform with more confidence and efficiency (based on 2 rounds of user testing).

Apart from the numbers, we were also impressed by the enthusiastic feedback from our user, volunteers, and other stakeholders...

Apart from the numbers, we were also impressed by the enthusiastic feedback from our user, volunteers, and other stakeholders...


“The onboarding manual and this app really boosted my clarity and confidence. Now, I can quickly start tasks and help more people! I highly recommend new volunteers give it a try after joining, and I look forward you launch this app in the future.”

“The onboarding manual and this app really boosted my clarity and confidence. Now, I can quickly start tasks and help more people! I highly recommend new volunteers give it a try after joining, and I look forward you launch this app in the future.”

— Lin, Junior volunteer

— Lin, Junior volunteer


“We definitely need this platform to manage our work. There’s huge potential for similar scenarios requiring volunteer involvement.”

“We definitely need this platform to manage our work. There’s huge potential for similar scenarios requiring volunteer involvement.”

— Zheng, Founder of the volunteer group

— Zheng, Founder of the volunteer group

Higher Learnability

82% of participants of user testing scored the volunteer system 5/5 in terms of easiness to learn and perform.

Improve Task Efficiency

The task completion time drops from 180 mins to 10 mins (time of calling for help and fact-check doesn’t included).

More Info Align & Clarity

Under the old workflow, volunteers needed 15 calls on average, including fact-checking and communication. With the new system, they now average only 4 calls.


If we had more time…

Design the platform for donations and help requests.

In our current scope, we only focused on solving the problems of the key user - volunteers. Given more time, we’ll design the portal for donors and patients to post donations and call for help as a system for all stakeholders. Medicine safety and user privacy would be the top design principles to consider.

Design for customized flows and edge cases.

Since we want to create a digital framework for the current volunteer flow and future match-making scenarios, we need to consider how can volunteer group customize the workflow based on different situations. Additionally, edge cases need to be addressed, such as handling mismatched donations and managing lost packages with backup plans.

What did I learn the most?

It’s okay to start over.

Design is never a linear “happy path”. We spent much effort brainstorming and proposing a digital solution until a meeting with stakeholders made us aware that time is the biggest constraint. Therefore, we shifted to a quicker solution as the first design phase: an onboarding manual. Although starting over is terrifying, our goal as designers is to solve problems. If we're going in the wrong direction, we shouldn't fear iterating to a better version.


If we had more time…

Design the platform for donations and help requests.

In our current scope, we only focused on solving the problems of the key user - volunteers. Given more time, we’ll design the portal for donors and patients to post donations and call for help as a system for all stakeholders. Medicine safety and user privacy would be the top design principles to consider.

Design for customized flows and edge cases.

Since we want to create a digital framework for the current volunteer flow and future match-making scenarios, we need to consider how can volunteer group customize the workflow based on different situations. Additionally, edge cases need to be addressed, such as handling mismatched donations and managing lost packages with backup plans.

What did I learn the most?

It’s okay to start over.

Design is never a linear “happy path”. We spent much effort brainstorming and proposing a digital solution until a meeting with stakeholders made us aware that time is the biggest constraint. Therefore, we shifted to a quicker solution as the first design phase: an onboarding manual. Although starting over is terrifying, our goal as designers is to solve problems. If we're going in the wrong direction, we shouldn't fear iterating to a better version.

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Ⓒ 2024 by Ivory Yicheng Zhao. All rights reserved.

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Ⓒ 2024 by Ivory Yicheng Zhao. All rights reserved.

Made with ☕ 🧋

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Ⓒ 2024 by Ivory Yicheng Zhao. All rights reserved.

Made with ☕ 🧋